Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Four-Day Work Weeks: Advantages and Disadvantages. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
In three pages this paper assesses the pros and cons of changing from a five- to a four-day work week. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.
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Labor Standards Act in 1938 (Waxman, 2009). However, in recent years an increasing number of employers have been experimenting with shortening the work week to four days, which can
either mean four ten-hour days for the typical forty-hour work week or a reduction in hours (and pay) to four eight-hour days per work week (Waxman, 2009). The first
businesses to compress work weeks successfully were manufacturing; hospital, insurance, and petroleum industries; and computer operations (Vega & Gilbert, 1997). However, many other businesses are currently contemplating a shift
to four-day work weeks because employees do not necessarily have to be on-site to perform work tasks. Telephone calls can be forwarded anywhere and any employees who are included
in their corporate network can access work files from their home computers (Waxman, 2009). Some of the greatest advantages compressing a work schedule can provide includes work output improvement, bolstering
the morale of employees, and easier recruitment of employees (Vega & Gilbert, 1997). Also, according to Wes Eklund, owner of Muskegon, Michigans Fleet Engineers Inc. that successfully segued into
a four-day work weeks, by providing employees with a free weekday during each week, personal business such as repair services and medical appointments can be carried out (Daly, 2008).
Two Brigham Young University professors recently released a study in which they determined that office productivity and job satisfaction are increased by altering the work week to 10 hours a
day, four days a week (Waxman, 2009). Other research suggests that such a transition also greatly reduces overtime and operating costs and employee turnover, tardiness, and absenteeism (Vega &
Gilbert, 1997). The successful changeover to the four-day work week at Fleet Engineers Inc. bears this out since employee absenteeism was actually cut in half (Daly, 2008). Also,