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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper considers the theoretical differences between formulation and implementation of strategy. The paper looks at the traditional separation, typified by the classical linear approach, and the more modern adaptive models, as seen in emergent strategies and argues that these may be complimentary approaches as well as conflicting approaches. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
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are often seen as diametrically opposed, and whilst those who see the formulation and strategy as separate processed, those who see it as a single process may allow a further
breakdown where there are different aspects rather than processes, as seen with the way that Porter defines gaining a strategic fit with the market. It may be argued that
current trends are increasing the emphasis in synergy and an holistic approach, bring what was two separate strategies into a single process. The traditional approach has been the use
of linear models, where there is a clear demarcation between strategy formulation and implementation. This also matches the hierarchical organisation structures where there are formal lines of communication through the
ranks. However, to consider strategy formulation apart from implementations may be to devalue the potential of synergy. If we look at a definition of strategy in business terms in the
English dictionary it is stated as "A plan of action or policy in business or politics" (Oxford Concise English Dictionary 1991:1205). Although accurate, this can be taken further "Strategic management
is synthesis of analysis and planning for value creation and delivery" (Elliot et al, 2001). It is worth noting that within these definitions it is planning that is emphasised, but
the action is also mentioned, and there is not the need for a particular style of planning and it is not inherent that these are separated.
Mintzberg (et al, 1998) looks are the classical approach where there are separate stages and different approaches. traditional planning is the classical view of strategy with
military type tactics and planning. It is with his that we see theoretical literature refer to many military and political tacticians, as seen in the writings of Sun Tzu and