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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
7 pages in length. Of all the liberties inherently afforded American citizens, it may well be argued how the First Amendment is one of the most vehemently defended; to deny people the ability to express themselves in a capacity that suits their respective desires and needs is to trample upon the very essence upon which this country was established. Constitutional rights are not to be taken lightly or misinterpreted in order to serve a particular agenda but rather they are an irrefutable representation of the intrinsic authoritative strength that empowers the American people. One of the most hotly debated issues within the context of the First Amendment is that of pornography, with critics contending it is nothing more than a lewd and oppressive display of so-called expression that has no place in a civilized society and supporters arguing that what consenting adults do is of no concern to the general public insofar as it does no harm to others. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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a capacity that suits their respective desires and needs is to trample upon the very essence upon which this country was established. Constitutional rights are not to be taken
lightly or misinterpreted in order to serve a particular agenda but rather they are an irrefutable representation of the intrinsic authoritative strength that empowers the American people (Tedford et al,
2005). One of the most hotly debated issues within the context of the First Amendment is that of pornography, with critics contending it is nothing more than a lewd
and oppressive display of so-called expression that has no place in a civilized society and supporters arguing that what consenting adults do is of no concern to the general public
insofar as it does no harm to others. As Watson (2007) duly notes, the pornography debate "has become about whether, in fact, pornography harms persons (women or others) and
whether that harm is causally direct and demonstrable. However, the harm at stake is the harm of offensiveness" (p. 467). II. CONSENTING ADULTS The issue at hand is
not the endorsement of all forms of pornography, inasmuch as there is no tolerance level for anything that involves children or teenagers who pose as children. Pornography is only
permissible from a constitutional rights standpoint when consenting adults are involved, inasmuch as child porn is a justifiably illegal activity that involves other illicit behavior as pedophilia. Rather, this
argument is in support of adults engaging in and enjoying the right to partake of sexually explicit material under the First Amendments protective umbrella. One of the flimsiest arguments against
pornography is found in Miller v. California, whereby this case law attempted to define the term obscenity to the extent that it incorporated a broad and reasonable designation. Ruling