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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper discusses the formation of friction skin; it also defines the scientific method and how it is applied to fingerprint analysis. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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its application to fingerprint analysis. Discussion Friction ridge skin is the skin "that covers the underside of the fingers, hands, toes and feet" (Latent print section). It is different from
the skin on the rest of the body; that skin is smooth but this is "corrugated: a network of raised areas of flesh called ridges and the recesses between called
furrows" (Latent print section). The tops of the ridges are lined with "thousands of sweat pores that, in most people, regularly emit perspiration" (Latent print section). The reason for this
specialized skin is to improve our to "grip and gain traction" but because of the sweat pores and its texture, this skin also transfers perspiration and any other contaminants we
have picked up to whatever we touch (Latent print section). The print thus left behind, though invisible to the eye, can be found by trained experts. The technical term for
identifying friction ridge skin is "individualization," and is based on "permanency and uniqueness, two principles firmly established by the biological sciences," especially anatomy, genetics and embryology (Latent print section). Permanency
is probably the characteristic that most people know about fingerprints; it refers to the fact that, unless there is some sort of injury, friction ridge skin "will not undergo any
fundamental natural change" after it forms (Latent print section). Although it "grows and ages" along with the individual, and wears from work, the "the ridge characteristics used in individualization will
not change location or position and will continue to reproduce exactly" (Latent print section). Uniqueness means that there are no two prints alike, which is the reason fingerprints are used
in the first place (Latent print section). This quality is created "during fetal development by a wide range of random forces: timing events, stresses placed on fetal hand and feet