Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Financial Management of Domestic and Multinational Business. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 8 page paper looks at 3 different aspects of financial management; the similarities in financial accounting between domestic and multinational companies; the differences in financial management between these two company types and the last part of the part examined the methods that may be used to deal with the difficulties faced by international companies when undertaking capital budgeting exercises. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
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will both have the same aims, to create profit and value for their shareholders within the areas of predetermined operations and within the set policies and principles of the company
and the legal framework. The financial management will be concerned with ongoing management issues such as budgets loan repayments and efficiency measures (Watts, 1996). Financial management may
be seen as the way in which the finances are controlled, there may be a range of issues to be considered and tool used, from the different approaches to accounting;
such as accounting policies, for example use of historical cost conventions or the current market value approach (Elliott and Elliott, 2005). In each case the company will have the flexibility
regarding which approach to use for these , and other convention, often choosing the approach they feel will either most fairly represent the performance of the company, or possibly
give the company the best image, supporting share prices or that which gives the best capital structure which will include considering which forms of borrowing are borrowing are going
to be most effective (Koedijk and Van Dijk, 2002). Financial management has also involved the management of costs. The movement of jobs
to developing countries is one way that costs have been decreased, this was until recently a move that could only be undertaken by multinational companies unless a domestic company set
up a new facility or undertook to subcontract the work, however with the development of the practice of outsourcing this is not limited to multinational companies only (Lewis, 2004). Therefore,
even attention to the operational aspects such as this may be seen as having commonalities. This can also include the use of forecasting and projecting, these may be with the