Sample Essay on:
Family Values/ICU Environment

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A 4 page research paper that discusses the significance of family in the ICU environment. While the activity in an intensive care unit (ICU) is, by definition, more intense than elsewhere in the hospital, "ICU care is still people care" and, as such, the patient's family is extremely important, both as a source of information concerning the patient and as a support, both psychologically and emotionally, for the patient (DeLisser, 2007, p. 1284). Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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information concerning the patient and as a support, both psychologically and emotionally, for the patient (DeLisser, 2007, p. 1284). How the family works as a system that promotes health for its members: Within the environment of the ICU, the relationship between care providers and families is crucial. The "value of effective communication with the families of extremely ill patients cannot be overestimated" (DeLisser, 2007, p. 1284). This communication process should begin early and occur frequently, as it is from family members that practitioners can learn the details of a persons life and habits that can have bearing on how a case is managed. While practitioners care about the welfare of a patient, they cannot begin to approach the depth of feeling or involvement that family members feel for this person and therefore, access to family members, even simply to hold the hand of a comatose patient is immensely valuable. The significance of the family system to the health of its members is exemplified well by the cultural values prevalent among African Americans, which as been termed a "survival arsenal" (Becker, Gates and Newsom, 2004, p. 2066). In African American communities, membership involves being embedded in a variety of social institutions, which include "family structure, and organization and the church" and encompasses "spirituality, social support, and traditional, non-biomedical health and healing practices," which are central to "self-care practices" (Becker, Gates and Newsom, 2004, p. 2066). In African American culture, the family is the "repository of specific culture beliefs and health practices and is the primary source of cultural meaning" (Becker, Gates and Newsom, 2004, p. 2066). As this implies, appropriate care for African Americans should entail an appreciation for the centrality of the family and the community in these patients lives, as it is these systems, ...

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