Sample Essay on:
Family Life-Path Theory

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 6 page research paper that offers a comprehensive overview of Jokinen's Family Life-path Theory, which aids nurses in regards to assessment when helping families who have children with chronic illness. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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6 pages (~225 words per page)

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the family of a child facing a long-term illness. The World Health Organization (WHO) has indicated the significance of providing family-centered care as a crucial principle that should be used to direct health providers actions. This overview of Family Life-path Theory demonstrates that this theoretical model does an exemplary job of addressing this goal. Family Life-Path Theory Research shows that patients consider a holistic perspective on nursing to be a crucial factor in the provision of high quality care, which means that the concept of family nursing and partnership with families in providing care are significant factors with which nurses should engage in order to achieve the goal of quality care (Jokinen, 2004). Working with families in collaborative partnership is particularly significant to quality care when nurses are working with the families of children who suffer from long-term illness (Jokinen, 2004). Pirkko Jokinen, of the School of Health Professions at Savonia Polytechnic, Finland, in designing Family Life-path Theory, based its principles on her experiences with families of children with asthma. She indicates that it is insufficient for nurses to have a thorough knowledge base concerning asthma, but that quality care requires that they also possess knowledge concerning a particular family as a whole, including the intricacies of its family system, the position of the family in its community, and the impact that the childs chronic disease has had on the family (Jokinen, 2004). Research indicates that parents of asthmatics frequently feel that the information offered by healthcare providers is "too general and theoretical," with little or no relationship to the context of their everyday lives (Jokinen, 2004, p. 125). Parents and caregivers for asthmatic children must know how to address different and frequently ...

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