Sample Essay on:
Family Assessment

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

An 8 page paper that assesses an individual and her family using the Calgary Family Assessment Model. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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8 pages (~225 words per page)

File: KL9_khcfam.doc

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in order to discuss the problems and issues affecting four siblings Sheila, Tammy, Sharon and Ray, focusing primarily on Tammy. Using the CFAM, this assessment will describe Tammy in terms of the structural, development and functional assessment guidelines indicated by the CFAM and also provide recommendations for this client that address her problems and issues. Structural Internal: The first subcategory under internal structure in the CFAM pertains to family composition. Sheila is the oldest sibling and is followed by Tammy who is 28 years old. Tammy also has two younger siblings, Sharon, age 18, and Ray who is 17. Tammy is female and heterosexual. She lives alone, in her own place, but she is mentally challenged and morbidly obese, to such a degree that she has difficulty getting out and pursuing normal activities, such as going to church. She has a stage 3 wound on her inner thigh, a poor diet and has recently been plagued with back pain. A caregiver has recently resigned and a community health nurse visits once weekly. Internal structural elements included in the CFAM also include subsystems, which is a term that describes relational dyads within the family (Wright and Leahey, 2009). Tammys intense relationship with her mother constitutes a mother-child dyad. Tammys mother is intent on maintaining a parental role in regards to Tammy, which Tammy resents as an invasion of her autonomy as an adult. As this indicates, this relationship entails a boundary, which is perceived different by Tammy and her mother. As Wright and Leahey (2009) point out, boundaries between family members tend to evolve and change over time. While Tammy feels that her relationship with her mother should change to that of an adult relating to another adult, the challenges that Tammy faces causes her mother to cling to ...

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