Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Families: Significant Social Changes in the Past Fifty Years. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page paper which
examines two significant social changes which have affected families in the past fifty
years. The changes discussed are those involving women in the workplace and
technology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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5 pages (~225 words per page)
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social change that has quite obviously affected families across the nation. This is because families are essentially the backbone of the country. Every individual exists within some sort of family
unit, and as such each family is affected by the changes which occur to individuals and groups of individuals. In the following paper we examine two areas of concern regarding
significant social change that affects families. The topics discussed are women in the workplace and technology. Women in the Workplace It is interesting to note that much of
the information available today, in regards to social change and women in the workplace, is incredibly positive. The articles make great claims about how far women have come in the
workplace and how far they have yet to go. These approaches are all good and valid, but they rarely truly address the nature of families in the midst of women
in the workplace. They indicate the positive and more often than not the negative is used to focus on poor working mothers and how that is affecting our society. The
truth, however, is that with many women in the workplace, many of whom are mothers, the family structure has changed and not always for the better. As of yet
there is not enough information available which truly indicates the affects of working parents on children. While many studies are being done, both parents have not been working long enough
to truly calculate the specific extent of changes. But, we all understand that the family itself has greatly changed as both parents work outside the home. With women in the
workplace children are left in daycare and when older are left to their own devices until their parents get home from work. In some ways this has made children more