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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5-page paper focuses on how the economic meltdown has impacted manufacturing sectors in the BRIC nations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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(thanks to the U.S. Federal Reserve), other countries didnt necessarily fare quite so well. During those first few weeks of the crisis, no capital was flowing through the system. A
lack of capital means that little, if any, business gets done. This moves into basic economics; if there is no money to operate a business, a business simply cant operate.
Payrolls cant be met many times. But this also impacts the manufacturing sector in a variety of ways. First, less demand means fewer products to manufacture. Second, no money coming
from banks to businesses mean plants have to shut down. In this regard, the recession is kind of like a double-whammy; factories are going to shut down either because there
is not enough demand for products or because banks arent lending money to companies, so they can get raw materials that are needed, to make the final user products.
What happens to emerging markets in such crises? Boz (2009), who doesnt seem too optimistic, points out that financial crises in emerging markets
tend to be "abrupt and dramatic," and also occur after a pre-crisis bonanza in the economy. Is this what happened to the emerging markets, particularly those lumped together as
the BRIC? In theory, it would make sense that manufacturing in emerging markets would be taking a direct hit. These countries tend
to make money from exports (especially China, to the United States). But in the face of a global recession, products are not going to be as much in demand,
meaning that there wont be much for the factories to do. This means layoffs, less spending and so on. This is especially