Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Exploring the Role of the Nursing Informaticist. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This is a 12 page paper that provides an overview of nursing informatics. The paper covers the creation of a professional portfolio. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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12 pages (~225 words per page)
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itself as one of the most compassionately involved and well-managed nursing organizations in the area. Nurses would be well-trained and taught to deliver a holistic style of care to treat
patients not only physically but mentally and emotionally as well. This is largely accomplished through the establishment of a powerful company culture within Nurse Next Door, which emphasizes core values
such as "finding a better way" by getting to know more about the patients specific desires and needs. An ideal position within this organization would be in the role
of nurse informaticist. A nurse informaticist would deliver a great deal of value to the organization through working to integrate information technology solutions into the organizational infrastructure in such a
way that nurses can communicate and receive training more effectively. Working with an organization like Nurse Next Door would also produce opportunities for the operation to expand beyond its local
scope to provide care to other geographic regions without compromising the quality of care that is the organizations primary value. The salary for this ideal position would be in keeping
with the average nurse informaticist position in the San Francisco area; somewhere in the neighborhood of $58,000 annually. Outline of Professional Portfolio In order to attain such
an ideal position, however, it is essential to communicate the value of the nurse informaticist role to the organization effectively. Many organizations have not yet been made aware of the
fundamental value that a nurse informaticist can produce, and as such, may be reluctant to establish such a position within the company infrastructure. The organization can be made more aware
of this reality through providing them with a professional portfolio which clearly outlines the value of the role as well as the personal competencies and achievements that make one the