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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page report discusses the fact that the biblical story of Exodus serves as powerful example and ideal for the struggles of the 20th century Civil Rights Movement in America. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. understood that the use of Exodus as both a metaphor and a source of hope was particularly powerful in terms of its religious connotations, as well as its emotional appeal. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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one with remarkable appeal to all people who have experienced personal subjugation and an alienation from what should be their rights as human beings. The struggles experienced by the
oppressed Hebrew slaves who were at the mercy of the Egyptians can be seen as a metaphor what African Americans had suffered at the hands of their "owners" since the
founding of the republic. The story of Exodus also tells of the struggles faced by those Hebrew slaves once they left Egypt. It seems only logical that a great
religious man and orator such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would see the parallels between the Exodus of the Bible and the challenges and travails of the Civil Rights
movement in the United States. He was fully aware of the nature of injustice that had little to do with truth and everything to do with power and control of
those thought to be the "others." The use of Exodus as both a metaphor and a source of hope was particularly powerful in terms of its religious connotations, as well
as its emotional appeal. Dr. King understood that and capitalized on it in ways that were powerful, meaningful, and effective. To escape the slavery imposed upon the Hebrews and the
social slavery imposed upon supposedly "free" African Americans were both forms of righteous and necessary "exodus." A Powerful Comparison By using the story of Exodus as a means for inspiration
and a call to action, Martin Luther King, Jr. appealed to a deep sense of what was morally right and wrong in America and the injustice that had been visited
against African Americans for, literally, centuries. He made it clear to all that, in the eyes of God, a chosen people were once again being held in bondage and that