Sample Essay on:
Exegesis/1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 12 page exegetical examination of this passage that examines its translation, debate concerning Paul's motivation in writing it, and theological implications. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

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12 pages (~225 words per page)

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mistreated in Philippi, as you know, we had the boldness in our God to speak to you the gospel of God amid much opposition. (3) For our exhortation does not come from error or impunity or by way of deceit; (4) but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who examines our hearts. (5) For we never came with flattering speech, as you know, nor with a pretext for greed--God is witness--(6) nor did we glory from men, either from you or from others, even though as apostles of Christ we might have asserted our authority. (7) But we proved to be gentle among you, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children. (8) Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you have become very dear to us. (9) for you recall, brethren, our labor and hardship, how working night and day so as not to be a burden to any of you, we proclaimed to you the gospel of God. You are witnesses, and so is God, how devoutly and uprightly and blamelessly we behaved toward you believers; (11) just as you know how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one of you as a father would his own children (12) so that you would walk in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.i The following discussion is an exegetical examination of this passage. Context Pauls first letter to the Thssalonians was written after Timothy visited this congregation and is based on his report.ii The Thessalonians church was founded ...

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