Sample Essay on:
Ethics in the Art of Nursing

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 5 page research paper/essay that considers the ethical conflicts inherent in a case scenario concerning a diabetic patient in long-term care. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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5 pages (~225 words per page)

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and anger and he acts on this anger by refusing food, which causes his blood glucose level to fall to a dangerous level. The patients adherence to treatment regimens has been erratic, which has resulted in the necessity of amputating several of his toes and also in the development of renal failure, which has reached a level of severity necessitating dialysis. The patient has received educational intervention, so he is aware of the importance of both proper diet and attending dialysis sessions, yet he continues to resist both of these life-saving factors when he is angry. Nursing ethics, in regards to this case, involves a dilemma that exists between conflicting professional duties. On the one hand, a nurse is professionally and ethically obligated to honor the autonomy of their patients, acknowledging their right to self-determination and their decisions regarding the level of medical intervention that they accept. On the other hand, there is a competing, but equally important professional and ethical duty to facilitating the efforts of patients to achieve the greatest level of health possible to them and thereby extend their lives. These two ethical obligations are specifically indicated in the Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretative Statements developed by the American Nurses Association (ANA, 2010). The first provision of the ANA code specifies that nurses should show "compassion and respect" in regards to the "dignity, worth and uniqueness of every individual" (ANA, 2010). Interpretive statement 1.4 specifically pertains to the right of the patient to self-determination. This states that respect for the patients inherent human dignity demand that his or her right to self-determination, "also known as autonomy," must be acknowledged (ANA, 2010). Nevertheless, the third provision of the code indicates that a nurse "promotes, advocates for, and strives to protect the health, safety, ...

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