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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper delves into ethics for lawyers and provides examples of what attorneys should be doing. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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"kill all the lawyers" quote. Yet, lawyers are held by one of the highest ethical standards of any profession. In order to get into the bar, they not only have
to pass an academic test, but they must have a relatively clean record. That said, individuals can be admitted to the bar with a criminal record in some states. Each
application will be reviewed of course, but in general, state bars take the character of their attorneys very seriously. First, what are values and ethics? One definition of ethics
goes to the idea of embracing individual moral principles as well as rules of conduct that apply to a group ("Ethics," 2009). People tend to value different things, but ethics
often goes to what a culture values. Ethics can take on personal meaning as well. Three areas of professional values and ethics as it pertains to lawyers are individual ethics,
the attorney client privilege, and the commitment to do what is best for the client. Personal ethics suggests that attorneys need to themselves be ethical and obey the law. Again,
some states will not admit a criminal to the bar. Other states may make exceptions if in fact an individual committed a deed in the past. Yet, attorneys are held
to a very high standard in general. Judges are held to the highest standard of all. Attorney client privilege is something that attorneys must take seriously, but they must also
know when to break that commitment. Why would an attorney want to do that? If a client says he is going to kill someone, for example, the attorney has the
legal and moral obligation to tell what he knows. Yet, aside from such matters, the attorney will generally keep the secrets of the client, even if that client is a