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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page research paper/essay that offers an example paper to a nursing student in regards to possible response to a scenario involving ethics, the existence of a living will and the right course of action. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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in acute renal failure. Her physician wants to begin dialysis, but Mrs. Ms living will indicates her expressive wishes not to kept alive through artificial means. Mrs. M.s mother is
willing to consider her daughters wishes, but her children retain hope that their mother will recover. Nursing actions in regards to the ethical responsibilities of: Beneficence: A nurse
assigned to Mrs. M.s case has the responsibility that all nursing actions should have some possible benefit to the patient or the patients family. For example, the same care should
be given to Mrs. M. in regards to ventilation, etc. that would be given to any other patient. Non-malfeasance: All possible courses of action that could possibly aid Mrs.
M. in regaining consciousness should be addressed before options are ruled out. Autonomy: The patients wishes, as expressed in a living will, should be followed and the nurse should be
an advocate for the patient in this regards. Fidelity: The nurse should give Mrs. M. the same degree of personal care that would be given to any conscious patient.
For example, when vital signs are stable, the nurse should wash her hair or attend to other chores of personal hygiene, as the human dignity accorded this patient should be
precisely the same as for other patients. Legal responsibility for care decisions in cases where there is a living will: does the family have the right to continue care:
In 1990, the United States Supreme Court ruled that in the case of Nancy Cruzan, there was "clear and convincing evidence" that Ms. Cruzan would not have
wished to be kept alive by artificial means and the Court ordered that her wishes should be observed ("FAQs about"). Subsequently, the Patient Self-Determination Act was passed by Congress, which