Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Ethical Considerations on Human Trafficking in the Middle East. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 8 page paper discusses the problem and way that human trafficking occurs in the Middle East in order to debate whether or not it is ethical. A range of ethical perspectives is considered including those of Kant and Mills and the application of the categorical imperative and utilitarianism. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
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as abhorrent. The entire concept of human trafficking is against many national and international pieces of legislation which protect human rights. However, there may also be argued that these ethical
views cultural and relatively modern; it was only a few centuries ago that human trafficking was commonplace in many parts of the world where it is now rejected. Human trafficking
and slavery can be argued as devaluing individual human life, subjugating and abusing an individual, or group of individuals, with an unethical use of power. However, just because it is
found distasteful does not mean it is not take place. Human trafficking is still taking place across the globe, often hidden, as by its very nature it essential that the
process takes place through unofficial channels. One area where human trafficking still takes place is the Middle East, an area with very different economic, social and cultural conditions (Bechard, 2006).
When considering the way that human trafficking takes place in this region it must be considered ethical frameworks in order to avoid some of the bias which may be present
as a result of culturally land values. However, even ethical frameworks would have cultural bias. The argument against the acceptance of human trafficking, even within the different cultures and in
the Middle East, is reflected with the majority of countries in that area signatories to the ILO Convention No. 29 on Forced Labour (Kaye, 2003). In order to consider
the ethical arguments regarding human trafficking it is necessary to consider how or why you in trafficking takes place. There is a fundamental difference between human trafficking and general migration,
as trafficking involves the movement of people with the traffickers have been the aim of exploiting their labour or services. Majority of individuals that are trafficked will be migrant workers