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This 5 page paper relates the central beliefs of Robert Audi, in his book Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge. Audi considered the question of justification and the premise that justification is commonly the basis for understanding and believing something. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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For example, though man can not touch, taste or see God, the justifications for a higher power and for a moral directive defined by a higher power are so forceful
that many believe in God because of justification. In fact, it is not God that is proven or justified, but the reasons why God must exist that are promoted
through religious culture. Audi describes this in terms of the premise of the infinite regression of justification. In order to understand something, that thing must be justified, or we
must be justified in believing it. So, for example, if we are talking about a belief in God, one might sight the Bible as proof that God exists.
Essentially, the belief in God is justified by the scriptural representations of God, and this is the proof that one might need for belief and understanding. But the Bible
is simply a book of words with no inherent meaning; meaning is placed on the Bible through a belief in what the Bible is. Justification for God occurs through
the Bible, but belief in the Bible must also be justified. Belief that the Bible exists as more than just a compilation of interesting stories is the basis for
the Christian religion. In other words, in order to belief in God, the Bible as the proof of God must be justified or proved itself. At each step
in the process of justification is the quesiton of whether the next step can be proved, and if the justification itself will then have to be justified. The question,
then, is whether there are any steps in the process that will not have to be justified, is there any way to get to a point where what is left