Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Enron - Organizational Behavior. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page paper that begins with a brief explanation of what organizational behavior it. The writer reports Enron's actions in terms of corporate culture and accepted behaviors and comments on what was missing in management and leadership. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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field adopts theories from a number of other disciplines, including psychology, sociology, anthropology and social psychology. Reviewing a few of the highlights of the Enron scandal provides insight in the
organizational behavior at that company. The Enron debacle has been studied by different fields since it happened in 2001 and it will continue to be studied in the future. The
fact that it could happen in the first place and the magnitude of it in the second place will continue to puzzle and fascinate researchers. Prentice (2003) suggested that different
kinds of people see different things in the Enron corruption scandal. Few can argue that is was a prime example of what happens when greed takes over. In short,
Enrons books showed a mass of dummy companies, partnerships, sales and purchases that was so complex the investigating Senate Committee could not make sense of them. Executives set up special
purpose entities, which are defined as a "trust, corporation, limited partnership, or other legal vehicle authorized to carry out specific activities as enumerated in its establishing legal document (Holtzman, Venuti
and Fonfeder, 2004). Key players included Kenneth L. Lay, the founder of the company, Jeffrey K. Skilling, former CEO and Director, Andrew S. Fastow, former CFO, Richard A. Causey, former
chief accounting officer and former Enron auditor from Arthur Anderson and a number of other executives (FOX News Network, 2005). Lay and Skilling were especially charismatic and were able to
persuade others to do things they might not otherwise do. This is a danger of leaders with charisma. If they are deceitful, they will lead people down the wrong path.
Enrons corporate culture was always one that encouraged innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit. It was a culture that had a high tolerance for risk. Managers were highly motivated and had