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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at tools that can be used to engage stakeholders and assess two; the use of meeting and forum sites. The second part of the paper gives an example of a firm that complied with Lewin's model of change and one that complied with Kotters model of change. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
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Lewins (1952) unfreezing, change and then re-freezing, where there is a process that includes gaining the support of the employees and other stakeholders before implementing the change. When looking
at tools that can be used there are a large number of divergent choices, The most straightforward will be meetings of different times, depending upon the need these can be
formal meetings, brain storming sessions, informal gathering, as well as variants such as focus groups as well as one to one meetings, with stakeholders where appropriate, however, meeting one to
one with all stakeholders is unlikely to be viable (Mintzberg et al, 2003). Where there are co-operative models of management, such as seen in many Japanese firm the process may
also include entrusting some information and view gathering to the employees or a central stakeholder, such as a union representative. Other tools
can include different forms of communication, such as the use of the internet, which may be a bilateral format, such as an intranet, or internet site, with a forum set
up, soliciting opinions through feedback forms or email, the use of surveys, which may be online, over the telephone or in person and any other form of bilateral communication medium.
When looking at these different approaches some may be seen as more effective than others; the use of meetings can be effective,
but there is also a danger that instead of engaging stakeholders they may dictate to them in a unilateral manner. The meetings have benefits, as there is the potential for
stakeholders and the firms so communicate, there is also the benefit of the approach being one which is both visual and oral so it can be more engaging, and is