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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
14 pages in length. Suppression of feelings is a common human approach to dealing with unpleasant situations. The extent to which Andrew has mastered this defense mechanism is both grand and far-reaching; that he shuts down in order to get through the psychological pain inherent to relationship breakups speaks to his tendency to become emotionally numb until that pain has subsided. Those who experience post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) experience similar responses after going through distressing events. The prominent emotion for Andrew is disassociation - the ability to detach from normally occurring feelings - which is illustrated by his ability to shut down his emotions and remain that way until the perceived threat of painful feelings is not longer looming. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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to get through the psychological pain inherent to relationship breakups speaks to his tendency to become emotionally numb until that pain has subsided. Those who experience post-traumatic stress syndrome
(PTSD) experience similar responses after going through distressing events. The prominent emotion for Andrew is disassociation - the ability to detach from normally occurring feelings - which is illustrated
by his ability to shut down his emotions and remain that way until the perceived threat of painful feelings is not longer looming. II. DETERMINING ORIGIN
The social, political and economic activities experienced in everyday life represent the very essence of what it means to be a human being. These representations
illustrate how and why a person acts the way he or she does, how one attributes moods, feelings and emotions, the way in which one interacts with another, as well
as what governs overall behavior. Working upon the assumption that most people live their lives out of habit and routine, it can be readily surmised how problem solving techniques
are born out of what has already occurred in ones past; because Andrew finds safety by going inside himself in order to avoid the psychological pain, he not only incapacitates
himself from being drawn out of this emotional cocoon, but he establishes a precedent that will occur with each subsequent break up. It is important in this situation to
determine whether the connection made between behavior and cognitive values is such that Andrews motivation for acting in this manner is more likely due to his personal desire to do
so or is dependent upon automatic reaction/stimulation. The significant distinction in his emotional response when depression sets in if the person did nothing