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A 3 page book report on Elizabeth I by Anne Somerset. Bibliography lists 1 additional source.
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also a woman who seemed to become queen despite many obstacles in her path, not the least of which was the legacy of her father. She has been the topic
of film and of many books which attempt to uncover the complexity and the success of her life. Elizabeth I by Anne Somerset appears to be one of the most
concise and informative works on this legendary woman. The following paper offers a book report of Somersets book. Elizabeth I by Anne Somerset Anne Somersets work begins prior
to Elizabeths birth and sets the stage for her arrival, and then moves into her childhood and her relationship with many people who would be a part of her life.
It is not set up as a dry look at her history but rather a look at her parentage and birth and life in a very complete and entertaining manner.
And the author utilizes a great deal of sources and documentation, footnoted, throughout the work so that the reader can further study. It also gives the work a powerful sense
of legitimacy. Somersets ability to pull the reader into the lives and motivations of the people is very easy and powerful In the beginning, for example, she notes how
Elizabeths father would come to see her now and then, for she lived outside his realm in a place where she knew she was princess, surrounded by people who took
care of her, but clearly not the heir to the crown and ultimately kept away from the King and his political rule. He would visit her and he clearly liked
her, but also felt she was far more of a political tool than his plaything: "As early as the spring of 1534 Elizabeth had been displayed quite naked to the