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A 4 page paper which examines the elements of elegies in the English poems The Wife’s Lament and The Seafarer. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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associated with the death of someone, or perhaps something. The notion of an elegy is ultimately derived from Greek times, but the elegy has changed its definition and usage since
the times of the Greek elegy. Two poems that come from the English tradition, from around the 10th century, of the elegy are The Wifes Lament and The Seafarer. The
following paper analyzes the elements of elegies in these poems whose authors are unknown. Elegies: The Wifes Lament and The Seafarer In better understanding what an elegy is,
and what an elegy could be it is important to examine what makes an elegy. One author notes the following in relationship to an elegy: "The elegy began as an
ancient Greek metrical form and is traditionally written in response to the death of a person or group...The elements of a traditional elegy mirror three stages of loss. First, there
is a lament, where the speaker expresses grief and sorrow, then praise and admiration of the idealized dead, and finally consolation and solace" ( While the Greek elegy clearly
followed a particular metrical form, what truly makes for the elegy is the subject matter. In this one can envision how an elegy is traditionally a poem that addresses the
loss of an individual, perhaps most commonly the death of an individual. But, with the English tradition of the elegy there is also the elegy that speaks of a loss
that is more symbolic or vague, such as the loss of an ideal or hope, or companionship. In the poems to be examined herein there is The Wifes Lament which
is the loss of a loved one, a husband one can assume, but that husband is not necessarily dead it would seem. In the case of the Searfarer the loss