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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 10 page research paper that reports on the importance of social support services for the elderly, in terms of their well being and with a particular focus on Canada. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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physical and functional ability, as well as psychological and social competencies. Consequently, they need support in dealing with the activities of daily living (ADL) if they are to remain in
their homes (Eloranta, Arve, & Routasalo, 2008). Considering the multiple problems facing the worlds healthcare systems, it is reasonable to assume that no national system is capable of assuming total
responsibility for the psychological, emotional, and physical well being of elderly people. Therefore, healthcare systems necessarily rely on family caregivers and the social support network of senior citizens to help
bear this responsibility (Stoltz, Andersson and Willman, 2007). Statement of the problem Eloranta, Arve, & Routasalo (2008) indicate that Finnish old age policy, as with many other countries, endeavors
to facilitate the goal of having older people continue to live in their own homes. To achieve this goal, support for older individualized is typically organized through the municipal home
care system, which overseen by the Social Services Department, with home service workers, such as "home aids or practical nurses," providing assistance to clients in regards to ADLs (Eloranta, Arve,
& Routasalo, 2008, p. 89). Similarly, home care is accepted as a critical factor in elder care in Canada. However, critics argue that the Canadian system is "incredibly inconsistent" and
the support services that are available vary widely according to location (Seggewiss, 2009, p. E90) The rapidly increasing number of senior citizens raises concern that the needs of all elders
will be met and this entails a particular concern over the challenge of functional limitations in regards to ADL (Greenglass, Fiksenbaum, & Eaton, 2006). The presence of social support has
been positively correlated with "proactive coping," but negatively associated with the development of depression (Greenglass, Fiksenbaum, & Eaton, 2006, p. 15). As individuals age, their ability to function tends to