Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Elderly Fall Prevention: Nursing Research Utilization Project. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 6 page paper provides an overview of a section of a fall prevention program that focuses on research support for an intervention. This paper reflects the views presented in six studies. There are 6 sources referenced in the paper.
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of studies have considered the impacts of staff training and in-service education in the application of fall prevention strategies, including the use of risk assessments. Baker, et al.
(2005), in their article entitled Dissemination of an Evidence-Based Multicomponent Fall Risk-Assessment and -Management Strategy Throughout a Geographic Area, considered the use of evidence-based practice to evaluate risk of falls
and to apply a strategic approach to the management in a specific geographical area. These researchers utilized a dissemination project design applied in Connecticut to determine the success or
failure of evidence-based approaches to fall-risk assessment and management in a range of different health care environments, including home care agencies. These researchers introduced a method for behavioral change
that focused on the roles of multiple health care professionals and used an evidence-based approach to assessing the risk of falls and the management of these risks in daily practices
(Baker et al., 2005). The researchers used an educational initiative that incorporated multiple behavioral change strategies to provide support for the use of fall assessments and the management of
practices to reduce falls in specific settings. Seven hospitals and 26 home care agencies were assessed, and were evaluated over a 2-year period. The agencies that were
viewed demonstrated variables in relation to the methods for disseminating information and best-practice approaches to reducing fall risk. Though this study demonstrated that educational initiatives to introduce fall risk assessments
through evidence-based practices were beneficial, there were also multiple issues in relation to geriatric conditions that resulted in falls that could not be mitigated against in the study format.
The study time period (2 years) and the potential for turnover rates of study populations resulted in concerns for the validity and reliability of the study outcomes over the two-year