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This 5 page research paper examines the negative impact of high-heel shoes on women's backs and offers suggestions to alleviate such pain. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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So hypnotic was the vision of woman in platform soles that during the seventeenth century, the English parliament ruled that a poor, unsuspecting man was able to get a divorce
on the grounds that he had been lured into marriage by a woman wearing high heels ("Com-love16," 1997). It is believed that this future fashion trend-setter was first
designed for the plain Jane Catherine de Medici approximately one hundred years earlier. As an unknown author on the subject recounted, "For Catherine, [he] had concocted that which would
later be called the worlds most potent aphrodisiac -- a device which not only endowed her with serpentine grace, but gave her the physical stature she could not otherwise possess.
So dont let it be forgotten that once upon a time the sophisticated French looked up to a girl of 14 -- Catherine de Medici, their future queen and
the mother of the modern high-heeled shoe" ("The First Ladies High-Heeled Shoe," 1998). One can only imagine how long Catherine actually moved with serpentine grace, for the generations of women
who followed this French queen have discovered, wearing high-heeled shoes comes with a much higher price than the shoes themselves. According to the results of a 1994 American Orthopedic
Foot and Ankle Society taken of 1,300 women, half of all working women who wore high heels complained that their feet hurt, and 28 percent revealed that they had to
see a doctor as a result of the pain (Hagans, 1995). Although the pain began in the foot area, it eventually found its way to the back, resulting in
considerable discomfort (Hagans, 1995). As physician Glenn S. Rothfield, author of Natural Medicine for Back Pain explains, "Back pain is so common because the lower back is the area