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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 14 page paper considers the economic environment within India, considering from the perspective of a company which is already active in the country; Coca-Cola. The paper assesses the performance and structure of the economy in India, including productivity, industries present within the country, growth, exchange rate stability and government debt and then examines the underlying economic ideologies and government policies which are impacting on the economy. Following this the Porters Four Facets model, also known as the diamond model, is utilized to examine factor conditions within the country. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
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15 pages (~225 words per page)
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1. Introduction Whenever a firm looks at expanding, or even remaining, in an international market it is important that the market is assessed in terms of the potential. There
are many elements of this assessment, the assessment of the economic influences is an important element of this assessment as it involves looking not only at the performance of the
economy in terms of economic health, it also involves considering the issues such as the structure and ideology of the economy. Coca Cola are already present in India. Top
assess the future the current hand past situation need to be assessed in terms of economic influences. 2. Economic Performance India
is a developing country, with a wide variety of economic conditions across the country. The economy is made up of different industries, representing agricultural interests including subsistence farming and traditional
farming, through to business associated with late industrialization processes as well as the embracing of new technology which is enabled the company to gain a high leaven of foreign direct
investment supporting international companies with services such as call centers. 2.1 GDP That has been a significant leaven of growth within the economy over the last few years, in 2006
the GDP, in terms of purchasing parity, was $2.812 trillion in 2006, increasing to $3.065 trillion in 2007, and is estimated to being $3.267 trillion in 2008 (CIA, 2009). When
the looking at the GDP in numerical terms, using the official exchange rate, it was estimated at $1.237 trillion in 2008 (CIA, 2009). Over the last few years the economy
has been growing not only in nominal terms, it is also been growing in real terms; meaning that the growth rate in greater than the rate of inflation. The real