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This 4-page paper offers a brief description of extremist groups in the United States. Also included are profiles about two such groups. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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great deal of damage with both rhetoric and attacks, the United States isnt immune to its own local extremist groups. These local extremist groups, which were in the spotlight following
the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, took a back seat following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (Thomas, 2010). They have, however, become more relevant,
especially following the election of Barack Obama to the presidency. Its been said that the nations first African-American president, combined with hard economic times has meant that the domestic extremist
groups of increased from 149 in 2008 to 512 - 127 of which are militias - in 2009, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (Thomas, 2010). Some believe that
these groups are gaining popularity, also due to the right-wing rhetoric that is springing up on the radio and the Internet. But it isnt the conservatives that are the impetuous
behind the growth of these groups - those on the left are more intent on saying "I told you so" than in beginning some kind of debate or discussion about
the problems this country faces (Guarino, 2010). These extremist groups seem to run the gamut, from those simply dedicated to the U.S. Constitution
and swearing that theyll never take part in anything against it (Oath Keepers) to the Hutaree militia, which is dedicated to sparking an outright war against the government by targeting
police forces (Hosenball and Isikoff, 2010). The Hutaree refer to the local cops as "the brotherhood," and there were deadly plots, one of which included an alleged plan to kill
a police officer, then use homemade bombs at his funeral to attack mourners (Hosenball and Isikoff, 2010). In this paper, well examine