Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on ENCRYPTON SYSTEMS AND NECESSITY. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3-page paper examines the need or not for a PGP or similar enryption system for a company or individual. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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information (including credit card numbers) from the system. Following that up are news reports asking everyone how safe their information is.
One solution that has been introduced to protect sensitive information is an encryption system. But are such systems, introduced by PGP and other companies, really necessary? Should every corporation or
private individual embrace these systems and put them on their computers, just to be safe? A Fist on System Performance An Ernst
and Young survey of corporations revealed some interesting information -- namely that one reason why companies dont implement encryption systems is because of their concern about the systems performance following
implementation (Deckworth, 2007). Others didnt want to move in that direction because of the complexity, both of operations and of installation (Deckworth, 2007). There is also a concern about data
loss due to encryption (Deckworth, 2007). As such, any company interested in implementing an encryption system needs to examine any surrounding business
issues (Deckworth, 2007). Such issues include the cost of implementation and operation, as well as ready and available technical support for both implementation and ongoing maintenance (Deckworth, 2007). Adding insult
to further confusion, encryption requires deep technological understanding and expertise -- which is something not many companies have readily at hand (Deckworth, 2007).
But should that really matter? Why shouldnt companies implement encryption systems? Recent security studies suggest that the main reasons for encryption implementation are prevention of potential data breaches, protection
of the companys brand or reputation that could result from a breach or to comply with regulatory laws such as Sarbanes-Oxley (Deckworth, 2007).