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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 7-page paper discusses the importance of energy management systems (EMS) and their use in hotels. The paper presents arguments as to why they are important, some benefits include cost savings and good customer relations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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is generally either too hot or too cold. But most hotel guests dont realize however is that such temperature controls end up costing the hotel a great deal of
money, with those costs being passed on to the consumer more often than not. The introduction of energy management systems -- also
known as EMS -- are geared to help better regulate the use of energy in various hotels, motels and lodges. As we shall see from this paper, EMS programs
come in all shapes and sizes, but they are geared to meet several specific goals, one of them involving serious cost savings. There are additional benefits to implementation of
the EMS, and we will examine some of these benefits later on in this paper. Overall, because of what EMS is and
what it can do for hotels, most experts agree that installation of such systems is mandatory in this day and age of cost-cutting and energy saving. In this paper,
we will investigate what EMS is and what forms it comes in, and then explain the benefits that EMS can bring to hotel management. EMS and What it Is
Before describing the benefits of EMS, its a good idea to first define what EMS is and what it does. In its
most basic form, energy management is fairly self-explanatory -- it is basically methods by which companies attempt to save energy, with the overall benefits being cost savings.
Such a concept is making its way into the hospitality industry, as hotel owners are beginning to understand that wasting energy can have a dire