Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on ELIMNATION OF THE MIDDLEMAN IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3-page paper discusses the role of the middleman in the supply chain, and possible future roles or elimination. Biblography lists 3 sources.
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At one time, the middlemen were the connections between the manufacturer and the consumer. In recent years, however, with the advent
of the Internet and other outlets, the middlemans presence has been reduced by companies, mainly in an effort to save costs on behalf of the manufacturer. But has the role
of middlemen been completely eliminated? Or will the role of middlemen change from what it has been into something different? First it
would be helpful to define what, exactly, a middleman is or does. According to Salesopedia, a middleman is defined as "an independent marketing intermediary, an agent, wholesaler, retailer, etc" (2008).
In other words, the middleman is the person, people or institution that acts as a buffer between the manufacturer and/or supplier and the end user (which, in most cases, is
the consumer). In days gone by, the middleman was selected because it was familiar with the markets to which the manufacturer would distribute. It was believed that hiring a middleman
as an intermediary to sell everything from books to cleaning products would help the manufacturer better reach and target the market.
All of that, however, is starting to change. Since the middle of the 20th century, the era of catalogue ordering has come about, in which people would receive a printed
volume of goods from a particular company. The customers could then go straight to the company through a phone call and order the goods. This eliminated the retail middlemen -
companies such as L.L. Bean and Lands End have done quite well with catalogue sales. There has also been direct-to-consumer sales people,