Sample Essay on:
E-business models

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 8 page paper considers three models of e-commerce, business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C) and consumer to consumer (C2C). The paper examines the models by examining an example company for each model; Dell, Amazon and eBay. The paper looks at issues such as who are the target market, the companies web sites and the facilities of the web sites themselves, how they market and the benefits of the model to both seller and purchaser. Te bibliography cites 6 sources.

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8 pages (~225 words per page)

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retailer relationships has shortened as well as enhanced the value chain. In looking at three models of e-commerce, business to business, business to consumer and consumer to consumer these different models may be assessed. In each case an example company will be used as the model. Business to business e-commerce is the form that gains the least press, but is also an areas where there is a great deal of potential. Dell saw this potential and have used the role fo direct supply as a differentiation factor and strategy. The target of the Dell website are business buyers and CEOs. There are products that may also appeal to the consumer market, but the business to business model is the core operations, with a range of large powerful computers as well as severs and related systems that range for a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands. The internal culture of the company in providing quality as well as innovation (InternetWeek, 1998), with these seen as points of differentiation. This is reflected in the way that any purchase is made. Each purchase is customised to the buyers specification prior to purchase. The purchase also includes a range of added extras, such as extended warranties and on site maintenance agreements as well as training and support (Dell, 2003). It may be this flexibility and attention to detail that saw a survey in the United States indicate that Dell was the preferred choice of over 50% of CEOs (Dell Annual Report, 2000). The site itself is made up of numerous pages that give information and facilitate a purchase or an information search. There are no recreational features. The pages are also designed for ...

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