Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on E-Mail Security on Laptops. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper looks at the problem of security of e-mails on laptop computers in a wireless environment. The paper assesses the problem and presents some solutions. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
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of encrypted passwords and simple measures such ensuring that programs that store passwords are not used on a computer. However despite the great advantages that mobility has brought it has
increased the risk at an exponentially greater rate, especially where e-mail is considered (Gorge, 2006). The first stage of considering how emails on a lap top can be secured
first needs to have the problem defined, The first issue may simply be the downloading of documents onto a mobile device, which may then be lost or stolen, or simply
access by unauthorised personnel. Tools such as password and basic security measures such as not leaving laptops in vulnerable positions and the use of laptop locks will be some basic
measures. It may be argued that the theft of laptops may be seen as one of the fastest growth areas of corporate risk. Tools that have been developed include the
use of cable locks and the use of programmes to wipe all data of the computer is stolen and connects to the internet or some other trigger. Passwords alone are
not sufficient as these are easily broken. However, these look at all the data and do not address the specific aspects of e-mail.
However in a wireless environment there are other challenges, such as the collection of the e-mail in the first place, the problem here may be the problems that are
associated with ARP. ARP is the address resolution protocol, this is a TCP/IP protocol (transmission control protocol/internet protocol), is the way that the Ethernet address of a host will be
found as a result of its internet address. The ARP packet which holds the internet address of the target host is broadcast and then waits for the host to