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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 9 page paper. One type of bilingual program that has been found to be successful if the dual language, or two-way immersion program where half the class is taught in English and half the other language. This paper discusses this type of program and reports the success some schools have had with it. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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children is due to immigration from Mexico, South America, Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic as well as by higher birth rates in the Latino population (Garcia and Jensen,
2007). The growing number of Spanish-speaking children is not a new development but the academic achievement gap between Hispanic children and Asians Whites has not been reduced by very much
over the years (Garcia and Jensen, 2007). There are reasons for the academic performance gap. Spanish-speaking children are more likely to live in poverty than are Asians and Whites, for
one thing (Garcia and Jensen, 2007). Also, Hispanic children are more likely to live in a home where another language (Spanish) is spoken almost exclusively so the children do not
get to practice their English at home (Garcia and Jensen, 2007). Studies have shown that children who live in homes where Spanish is the primary or exclusive language spoken are
further behind academically than Hispanic children who live in homes where English is spoken (Garcia and Jensen, 2007). There is a need for stronger academic programs that have proven
to be successful in helping these children achieve. Two such programs are the "Enrichment 90-10 and 50-50 one-way and two-way developmental bilingual education (DBE) programs" (Gomez, Freeman and Freeman, 2005,
p. 145). These programs are called dual language programs and they are the only programs with empirical data that concludes children reach the 50th percentile in their own language and
in English (Gomez, Freeman and Freeman, 2005). Students in these programs also had higher achievement in other subject areas. Garcia and Jensen (2007) report an accepted set of principles
for designing and implementing a high quality dual language program: * "Implement a curriculum that promotes and maintains the development of bilingual, biliterate, and multicultural competencies for all students" (Garcia