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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 6 page paper which discusses the relationship between
domestic violence and homicide, with an emphasis on conditions in New York City in the
last twenty-thirty years. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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6 pages (~225 words per page)
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too afraid to discuss their situation. The refusal to discuss such conditions can sometimes lead to the worst case of domestic abuse, that being homicide, or murder. Granted, homicide, as
it relates to domestic violence, is not necessarily a crime that is committed in great numbers, in comparison with other forms of murder, but it is a very serious problem
that must be addressed. In the following paper we discuss the reality of homicide as it relates to domestic violence, and focus primarily on New York City, which is, of
course, often considered to be one of the most violent and dangerous cities in the country. Realities Associated with Domestic Violence It should be noted, first off, that
domestic violence is, more often than not, the result of a great deal of tension and stress in a family. It is more often the poor undereducated family that suffers
from domestic violence, due to the stressful conditions that go hand in hand with poverty and lack of education. This is, according to all statistics, a fact that truly relates
to conditions in New York City, where a great number of people live in extreme conditions of poverty. In addition, with poverty often comes the condition of alcohol or drug
abuse, a condition that is usually pursued in order to alleviate the stress of being poor. Granted, this appears to be a ridiculous reality, in relationship to the fact that
poor people are the least likely to afford drugs and alcohol, but the statistics, and general reality, speak otherwise. In one of the simplest examples, we can see this in
the fact that most people who smoke cigarettes are poor and cannot afford them. But still, the incredible stress of being poor often moves people to spend on what they