Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Does The Successful Growth Of A Small Business Require The Skills Of The Successful Entrepreneur?. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 9 page paper looks at the way that small business grow and considers the argument that businesses will not grow unless they have the skills of an entrepreneur to push them forward. The paper looks at the entrepreneurial process and examines a number of small companies that have grown, using UK examples. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
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9 pages (~225 words per page)
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of the business owner, the individual with an idea. The attractions of starting a business are numerous, from the desire for independence and self sufficiency, the lack if employment opportunities,
a desire to bring a new product or idea to market through to the desire to crate a build a business empire. In many cases there will be a combination
of factors influencing the decision to start a new business. The desire and in some cases desperation that leads to starting a small business has resulted in the UK have
a large amount of small businesses, it was estimated in 2007 that the UK had 4.5 million small businesses; a very high level compared to other nations, with the small
businesses accounting for 28% of employment in the country (Enterprise Nation, 2007). It is a process that appears to be ongoing as it was also estimates that 1,400 new
businesses are starting each week (Enterprise Nation, 2007). However, many business will fail and most will remain small, when looking at why and how businesses grow it may be
argued that in many cases for a business to grow there needs to be the skills of a successful entrepreneur within the firm.
Once started, many small businesses will stay small, the owner may wish to keep a business small, not wanting the burden or difficulties that accompany growth, or they may
lack the skills and strategic knowledge or drive to grow a business (Megicks, 2007). There may be firms that grow despite the lack of these skills especially businesses that serve
an unmet need in a niche market, but the skills needed and attitude needed to grow a business are different from the idea for a new product or the idea