Sample Essay on:
Different Scientific Approaches

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 5 page paper provides an overview of how scientists use different methods to prove scientific hypotheses. This paper considers the different approaches utilized. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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5 pages (~225 words per page)

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hand, applied his scientific method in a more reclusive state, evaluating the way in which trait distribution and the transitional evaluations of paleontologists could reflect understanding of species changes across disciplines. Both researchers utilized the research of others to expand on their own research and showed that science, even pure scientific processes, are not without ethical dilemmas. Watson described himself as having an underlying motivation for pursuing the discovery of DNA that was not linked to scientific methodology or the specific culmination of a body of scientific knowledge; it was about his own desire for advancement. Watson maintained: "It was certainly better to imagine myself becoming famous than maturing into a stifled academic who had never risked a thought" (Watson and Stent 35). Watson recognized that this would not occur unless he could show that discoveries regarding DNA and its impacts were based on more than just speculation or common sense, but reflected a scientific process and a distinct method that could stand up to scrutinization. Other researchers, Watson felt, had not applied this kind of standard. "I soon was taught that Paulings accomplishment was the product of common sense, not the result of complicated mathematical reasoning" (Watson and Stent 50). Watson and Crick worked collaboratively, but it was evident that Watsons pursuit of glory may have meant that others were left behind. Watson and Crick did maintain that others were important to the research process and related the contributions of Wilkinson and Fraser, among others (Watson and Crick 737). At the same time, the tone and message of some of their statements suggest a kind of overly simplified perspective on what they related. They wrote: "it has not escaped our notice that the specific ...

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