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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
11 pages in length. Being compelled by the urge to display abnormal behavior is frustrating and embarrassing reality for people who suffer with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The perceived weakness to overcome the persistent desire to repeat behaviors one knows do not need repeating inevitably breaks down one's self-esteem and compromises the overall mental health status. Checking the light switch is turned off even though the light bulb is not illuminated, locking/unlocking doors several times, washing hands dozens of times a day or making sure the coffee pot is unplugged even though one remembers unplugging it are just some of the behaviors people with OCD feel compelled to do despite their logical thought processes telling them otherwise. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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to repeat behaviors one knows do not need repeating inevitably breaks down ones self-esteem and compromises the overall individuals mental health status. Checking to make sure the light switch
is turned off even though the light bulb is not illuminated, locking and unlocking doors several times, washing hands dozens of times a day or making sure the coffee pot
is unplugged even though one remembers unplugging it are just some of the behaviors people with OCD feel compelled to do despite their logical thought processes telling them otherwise.
Ruth Deanes Washing My Life Away: Surviving Obsessive Compulsive Disorder chronicles the authors struggle to overcome a compulsion of nonsensical actions that were slowly ruining her life. Did I
want to spend over two hours in a situation which prevented me from washing my hands? I did not. Really, it was that bad. My own wedding
day, and my most prominent thoughts were of fulfilling my obsessive needs as and when I felt compelled. With a great deal of help from the Valium, however, I
managed to get through the day (Deane, 2005, p. 27). II. UNDERSTANDING THE DISORDER It all started with a bout with food poisoning; from that point forward in
young Ruth Deanes life, she was controlled by an invisible force that made her life a living hell. The bodys immune system is the primary means by which people
fight off disease, disorders and conditions to remain healthy; when it is compromised - as with the presence of toxic food - they have a much better opportunity to develop.
Not only did this sudden onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder cause her physical pain from washing and washing her hands until they cracked and bled, but it also wreaked havoc