Sample Essay on:
Diabetes Mellitus

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper that describes the negative impact of diabetes mellitus, its societal cost and its effect on morbidity and mortality rates, and then addresses how these concerns impact professional nursing. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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(CDC) conducted a joint study in 2002, in order to ascertain the direct and indirect cost of care for diabetic patients and determined that this $132 billion annually, with $40.3 billion accounting for healthcare (Seelandt, 2007). The effect of diabetes mellitus on morbidity and mortality incidence is extremely significant. Comorbidities that can develop for diabetic patients lead to disabilities that seriously impair individual functioning and quality of life, as diabetes is associated with "heart disease, stroke, hypertension, blindness, nephropathy, neuropathy and lower-limb amputations" (Irons, et al, 2007, p. 227). The associated mortality rate is likewise high, as this involves the combined mortality incidence from heart and kidney disease. The primary impact that the increase in diabetic patients has on nursing is that nurses should be knowledgeable concerning the treatments for all the forms of diabetes mellitus, that is, types and 2 and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetics are treated with exogenous insulin, of which there are more than 20 types currently on the market and nurses should be aware of the action of the insulin prescribed for individual patients (Seelandt, 2007). Typically type 2 diabetics are treated with oral anti-hyperglycemic medications; however, this mode of treatment is typically contraindicated within the context of acute in-patient care, due to the fact that these medications lack the flexibility to provide fast hyperglycemic control (Seelandt, 2007). A diagnosis of diabetes can be perceived as devastating news. For example, Amer (2008) indicates that when parents learn that their child has type 1 diabetes, they frequently feel overwhelmed by the demands of handling this condition so that it has the least possible negative impact on the health of their child. Type 1 diabetes means handling the responsibility of "daily injections or continuous insulin infusion, blood glucose monitoring 2 to 4 ...

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