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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page paper that describes and discusses this assessment tool intended for ages 2-5. The purpose, types of content, reliability and validity are reported. The writer comments on its usefulness in Head Start and other early programs. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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moderate or help reduce the negative effects of the many risk factors so that behavioral and psychological outcomes are better (LeBuffe and Naglieri, 2010). These are generally identified as aspects
of the environment such as education and child care, family, and internal characteristics (Reddy, 2007, 2007). Protective elements are essential for the childs positive emotional and behavioral development. The Devereux
Early Childhood Assessment has been used to measure these factors. It is intended to identify children who are low on the positive factors, generate classroom profiles and screen for children
who may have behavioral concerns (LeBuffe and Naglieri, 2010). The results lead to making decisions about strategies that can mitigate any low areas (LeBuffe and Naglieri, 2010). Numerous agencies,
organizations, educators, policymakers advocate the use of this assessment instrument (Reddy, 2007). There are two assessments: the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment (DECA) and the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical Form
(DECA-C) (Reddy, 2007, 2007). These authors state that these "are the first standardized, norm-referenced assessment instruments that evaluate within-child protective and risk factors in young children age 2 to 5
years" (Reddy, 2007, p. 121). Because this assessment can be used beginning at age 2 and is appropriate through age 5, it is the perfect assessment instrument for Head Start
and other preschool programs. It can even be used with most kindergarten classes. There are scales within each of the major categories for this assessment. There are three subscales
in the Total Protective Factors scale, Attachment, Self-control and Initiative (Reddy, 2007). The Total Behavior Concerns Scale includes "Withdrawal/Depression, Emotional Control Problems, Attention Problems; and Aggression" (Reddy, 2007, p. 121).
The cutoffs are different for each of these total scales. A t score equal to or less than 40 on the total Protective Scale are in the concern range,