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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper is a 7 slide PowerPoint presentation along with speaker notes looking at the major changes and developments in Mexican social policy since 1982. The general approaches, and programs such as PRONASOL, PROGRESA and OPORTUNIDADES are all discussed. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
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5 pages (~225 words per page)
File: TS14_TEMexsocialp.doc
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Social polices in Mexico have faced a number of challenges including the need to support economic development and the problems related to the high level
of poverty. The difficulties faced by the country have seen a number of changes in the way social policies are formulated and implemented. Slide 2
When looking at current social policies it may be argued that the starting point which has resulted in the current policy evolutions stared in 1982
when the country faced a debt crisis, The debt crisis was an economic event, but this cannot fail to have an impact on social policies as a result of the
way public expenditure takes place. There had been generous social policies supported by the oil boom, but this was scaled back (Moreno-Brid et al, 2009, p162). The economic reforms saw
a shift to a neo liberal agenda where the state had a less prominent role, this was also seen in terms of welfare provision. A major change following this crisis
was the shift towards means testing. However, it was recognised that there was still a need for string social policies. Slide 3
In 1988 when the Salinas administration came to power the shifts in social policy from the previous administration were not yielding the desired results (Yarahuan, 2007, p6). The
administration under took some major reforms including areas which had a direct and an indirect impact on social policies (Yarahuan, 2007, p6). The major change in social policy was the
launch of PRONASOL (Programa Nacional de Solidaridad), this was a comprehensive approach adopted to deal with former policy failures and take a more targeted approach (Yarahuan, 2007, p6). The more