Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Design of a Pre-Evaluation Tool to Assess Exiting Nursing Skills and Knowledge for a Fall Intervention Program. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper presents an assessment tool which may be used to evaluate the knowledge and skills if nursing staff dealing with reducing fall risk. The assessment is designed to be undertaken prior to implementing a fall prevention program to create a base line. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
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3 pages (~225 words per page)
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and abilities of the nursing staff who will implement the program. This is required to assess the starting point of the program and make sure that the training and educational
tools will give the healthcare staff the skills and knowledge they need to implement the program. It will also provide the base line for an assessment following the implementation of
the program (Fang et al, 2011). There are a number of tools which may be used for the pre-evaluation stage. The first tool to be used is a self assessment
questionnaire, this will be designed to allow for an assessment by the nurse of their skills and knowledge and indicate their level of awareness of falls. The first part assesses
the perception and practice, the second section assesses some of the existing knowledge. For example, questions 7 and 8 are asking about factors that may increase fall risks, (for the
sake of this paper those that are know to be potential risk factors are marked with an asterisk, with factors identified in studies such as Lord (et al, 2006), K?llstrand-Ericson
and Hildingh (2009)and Welmerink (et al, 2010). This will help to establish the base level of knowledge. 1. I have had specific training in fall prevention strategies or interventions (tick
one answer only). * Yes * No For the following questions please indicate how you feel about the statement, select one answer only,. 5 is agree strongly, 4 is
agree slightly, 3 is neither agree nor disagree, 2 is disagree slightly and 1 is disagree strongly. 2. I am happy with my knowledge of fall prevention strategies
1 2 3 4 5 3. Most fall prevention strategies are common sense, specific training is not needed 4. I often undertake risk assessment to