Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Depression - General Overview. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper begins by reporting the incidence of depression and comments on how physicians often miss this condition. The DSM-IV criteria for diagnosis are reported. The essay then discusses typical treatment for the condition. Bibliography lists 5 sources. PGder08.rtf
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3 pages (~225 words per page)
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cost of depression is high, about $80 billion per year just in the U.S. (Manderscheid, 2006). Worse, the World Health Organization forecasts that "depression will be the number-one cause of
disability in the world by 2020" (Manderscheid, 2006, p. 37). Depression is also diagnosed in children and adolescents. The difficulty diagnosing adolescents is due to their changing biological systems which
cause different behaviors, still, between 15 and 20 percent of all American teenagers have been diagnosed with depression (, 2008). There are some reports that suggest depression is very
often missed by primary care physicians (, 2007). Half of these patients will be misdiagnosed and about 80 percent of those that are diagnosed will be given too little
medication (, 2007). Part of this problem is due to patients being misdiagnosed and treated for things like fatigue and trouble sleeping instead of for the underlying depression (, 2007).
This group recommends that physicians rule out other possibilities, like nutrient deficiencies, before treating the patient for depression (, 2007). The DSM-IV (diagnostic manual from the American Psychiatric Association) is
very clear about the diagnosis of depression. The criteria noted below are for diagnosing Major Depressive Disorder, furthermore, the person must have experienced a state of depression at least two
weeks in duration and exhibit at least five of the following symptoms: * You are depressed, sad, blue, tearful (, 2007). * You have lost interest or pleasure in things
you previously liked to do (, 2007). * Your appetite is much less or much greater than usual and you have lost or gained weight (, 2007). *
You have a lot of trouble sleeping or sleep too much. * You are so agitated, restless, or slowed down that others have begun to notice (, 2007).