Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Depression: Behavioral Manifestations and Causes Among Teenagers. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 6 page discussion of the causes and impacts of depression among teenagers. The author of this paper discusses both the environmental and biological causes of depression, noting that each cause can manifest itself differently according to the individual and the circumstances. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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conditions facing teenagers today. Numerous factors interact to influence an individuals behavior during bouts with depression. This is especially true among adolescents who have not fully matured either
physically or psychologically. Some of these factors are genetic and physiological, others are environmental. While most often the genetic and physiological aspects which control behavior are not factors
which can be easily altered, environmental determinants of behavior can be changed prior to the adverse impacts being rendered on adolescent psychological development. It must be recognized at the
same time, however, that if those individuals who were susceptible to alcoholism, or in fact any type of substance abuse associated with depression, were able to be accurately diagnosed prior
to the actual manifestation of the condition they could be counseled and possibly even treated pharmacologically to prevent such manifestation (Wastyn and Wastyn, 1997).
Depression is most often thought of as a psychological disorder. There are, however, a number of factors which can be associated with the disorder. Current
research reveals, in fact, that depression can be caused by either environmental factors or biological factors. A third school of thought, however, contends that it is both biological and
environmental factors which cause this condition. Regardless of the cause, depression often manifests itself similarly in terms of a teens mental processes and behavior.
Adolescents today face more threats to the safety, health and welfare than they have at any other time in our history. This is due to a number
of factors but in most cased revolves around declining societal mores. While at one time activities such as sexual promiscuity, drug and alcohol use, and violence were definitely frowned