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This 3 page reflective essay offers a hypothetical example of how a nursing manager might discuss use of the democratic leadership style. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Democratic Nursing Leadership by , October,
2012 -properly! Kurt Lewin conducted a series of studies in the 1930s that focused on the nature of leadership. This body
of research identified three principal styles of leadership, which are autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire (Roussel and Ratcliffe, 2013). This research describes the autocratic leader as someone who tends to be
preoccupied with accomplishing the tasks at hand, with little or no concern for human relations, as well as someone who ends to make decisions alone. At the opposite extreme, Lewin
describes the laissez-faire leader as permissive, that is, someone who is a manager in name only and generally avoids the responsibilities of leadership. The democratic leaders characteristics are between these
two extremes, as the nursing manager who practices democratic leadership actively seeks the participation of the nursing staff in the decision-making process (Roussel and Ratcliffe, 2013). The democratic leader is
highly focused not only on task accomplishment, but also on human relations and promoting teamwork. This is the style of leadership that I personally favor as a nursing manager. (The
first-person pronoun is used in order to provide a hypothetical example that can guide the student researching this topic in writing the students own essay.) The democratic style of nursing
leadership focuses on building trust, as well as commitment, participation and communication (Stiner-Chapman and Koch, 2013). The democratic leadership style encompasses having an open-door policy when it comes to any
member of the nursing staff who has an issue that the staff member wishes to discuss with me. As this suggests, I believe in open communication, as this facilitates conflict