Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Dementia Services for Acute Patients at the New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 23 page paper examines a new service developed to provide improved healthcare services to patients with dementia. The service examined is the new dementia patient bundle of care developed at New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton, UK. The paper starts by looking at how and why this population is vulnerable and needs special services. The service itself is discussed and the way that this is impacted and satisfies different, policy, social and legal requirements is examined The paper ends by considering the role of the mental health nurse. The paper is written with references to polices and legislation of the UK. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
Page Count:
23 pages (~225 words per page)
File: TS65_TEdemserv.doc
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6. Appropriateness, Accessibility and Effectiveness 21 7. Contribution of the Mental Health Nurse 22 References 24 1. Introduction Dementia is a condition which can have a significant impact on quality of life. In the
UK the condition is estimated to affect 700,000 people, with the expectation that in the next thirty years this will double (NHS, 2010; Alzheimers Society, 2007). The condition has often
been overlooked in the way health policies have been formulated and implemented, however increasing numbers it is a significant issue in healthcare and attention in recent years has increased along
with the provision of care and services by a number of local authorities. One particular service has been the New Cross Hospital Dementia Project; a project aimed at increasing the
quality of care provided to patients admitted to hospital who suffer from dementia. This ground breaking project offering a significant service the patients and may be considered as an example
of the way services may be developed for dementia patients which not only increase the quality of the care that they receive, but is also in line with recent policies
and rights issues. The paper will start by looking at dementia, briefly considering what it is and looking at how and why this population may be seen as particularly
vulnerable. The paper will then look in detail at the service offered, and then consider the relevance of the service and look at the way in which the service is
influenced by policy, legislation and patient rights, the discuss the appropriateness. The paper will end by looking at the role of the mental health nurse. 2. The Population Dementia
affected approximately 700,000 people in the UK, with the numbers increasing (NHS, 2010; Alzheimers Society, 2007). The term dementia is utilised as an umbrella phrase to cover a number illnesses