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Dell vs. Gateway: How Dell Captured the PC Market

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 5 page paper provides an overview of Dell and Gateway. Attention is paid to e-commerce and the role it has played in marketing. Reasons why Dell is number one are explored. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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others so that they too can be blessed with a Dell computer. Dell has done a lot to separate itself from the crowd and the "Steven ads" are a part of an overall successful marketing plan. Dell is now a recognizable entity as is IBM or Apple, and somewhat of a household name. Dell is now a brand that everyone has heard of, and it has a good connotation. Much of Dells success has to do with its marketing efforts, inclusive of brilliant advertising campaigns. And while the commercial series has made the brand well known, there are other things that Dell has done to prove itself a leader in the personal computer business. Gateway has also become somewhat well known with its brindle boxes. Yes, the cow logo was something unique in an industry where everything but Apple looks the same. Delaney (2002) explains: "People adored the cow boxes and valued them and displayed them, and Gateway sold thousands of cow T-shirts and other cow paraphernalia" (p.PG). Corporate decisions rendered the cow logo obsolete. However, while logos and clever ads do bring in customers, a part of the charm of buying a Dell for example, is that customers have a choice in ordering. While that is the case, Dell is no longer unique in this e-commerce tactic. In recent years, Apple , Gateway and Hewlett-Packard has followed Dell in offering its online customers the opportunity to configure their computers just the way they want them ( Swartz, 2002). Many of Dells sales are in fact custom orders and Dell proved that customization is ideal for managing a limited number of interchangeable parts (2002). It is thought that Dells influence did in fact perfect the made-to-order PC (2002). The sales of custom-made products have been ...

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