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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 9 page research paper offers an extensive discussion of the nature of nursing, its definition and what this discipline a profession. The writer also offer suggestions to the student for drawing on personal background and in composing the student's personal philosophy. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Definition of Nursing Professional Research Compiled for
, Enterprises Inc. By - November, 2010 properly! What nursing is, the factors
that make nursing unique The Department of Nursing at California State University at Fresno defines nursing as a "unique profession concerning all variables affecting clients in their environment" ("What is,"
2009). Nursing professionals take whatever actions are necessary to "retain, attain, and maintain optimal client health or wellness using the three preventions (primary, secondary and tertiary)," as required to keep
their clients systems stable ("What is," 2009). As this definition indicates, nursing goals are holistic, focusing on helping patient/clients to achieve their optimum health potential in all realms. This factor
is unique to nursing, as medical intervention typically focuses only on the physical aspects of the patient/clients situation, whereas nursing considers the social, psychological, spiritual and emotional impact of circumstances
and case specifics. As this suggests, what makes nursing unique is that it is both a science and an art. As a science, nursing encompasses all the technical aspects
of patient care. As an art, it continues to encompass the compassion and caring that has typified modern nursing since the time of Florence Nightingale ("The art and science," 2007).
However, nurses today much more than the ministering handmaidens of doctors, as they were in previous eras, as todays nurses are "multidisciplinary professionals who provide quality patient care" in a
multiplicity of specialized fields and clinical settings ("The art and science," 2007). Nursing as a profession The characteristics of professionalism include "knowledge, specialization, intellectual and individual responsibility and well-developed group