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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
The deconstuctionist movement is a
post-modern achievement that is represented by the dismissal of forms in an
attempt to redefine the moment. This 8 page paper examines the ideological
foundations of the movement, focusing on Bernard Tschumi and Peter Eisenmann.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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8 pages (~225 words per page)
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her experience within the context of their lives. In architecture, the aesthetic quality of the object is necessarily confined to the social definition of form as processed through individual
conceptualizations of nature and the empirical surroundings. In todays world, modern frequently connotes the use of technology in design and, or, construction. The modern artist (including architects) is
also often characterized as having an obsessive need to develop an individualistic style to "represent a sense of eternal form ... (believing) that the universal reality expressed in their works
would be perceived by every viewer" (Gardner 987). The deconstuctionist movement is a post-modern achievement that is represented by the dismissal of forms in an attempt to redefine the
moment. Architects such as Bernard Tschumi and Peter Eisenmann have expanded on the philosophical premises of Jacques Derrida in their work. "Poststructuralist thought, particularly the direction pursued
by deconstruction, in fact had an influence on architectural practice as well as theory. Derrida collaborated with the architect Peter Eisenmann on one proposal for the development of the
park at La Villette in Paris, and Philip Johnson coined the awkward term deconstructivist to describe the work of younger avant garde architects in the 1980s, apparently inspired both by
Russian constructivist forms and by Derridean deconstruction" (Ganim 364). Basically, the philosophy behind the concept of deconstruction is to dismantle those things which are not productive to the evolution
of thought or character and to rebuild from an entirely new perspective, reformulating concepts that have long been held as truth. The architecture that has resulted from the
deconstructionist movement often defies gravity in its use of tilted, curved and abstracted forms. In an effort to conform with the deconstructionist principle of non-conformity, many of this eras