Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on DIFFERENT SHADES OF ONE CULTURE - COMPARING DIFERENT HISPANIC GROUPS. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 6-page paper focuses on the differences between various Hispanic groups living in the United States. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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kind of form, the catch-all phrase "Hispanic" is prevalent. And the reason why its so annoying and infuriating to "Hispanics" is because many different groups make up this one group
- and these groups have different cultural mores, political beliefs, traditions and economic standings. The term "Hispanic" came into being during
President Richard Nixons years in office, to denote Spanish-speaking people in the U.S. By 1977, the term was an official designation on the Census Bureau forms (Anonymous, 2009). The term
"Hispanic" also made it easy for politicians and others to deal with the large group (Anonymous, 2009). But the problem is, the term doesnt really define who the people are,
where they come from and what makes them tick (Anonymous, 2009). Clark and Flores wrote in 2007 that Mexican-Americans, Cuban-Americans and
Central Americans are Latino groups in the United States whose members are similar in many respects. Yet their differing nationalities add a lot of variation; the authors point out that
homeland ties and cultural origins are constantly undergoing change, based on proximity to the homeland and an influx of new immigrants (Clark and Flores, 2007). For example, Mexican-Americans are going
to view immigration reform in a vastly different manner than their Cuban counterparts. Furthermore, Cuban political savvy is going to be different from that of the Colombians; the older Cubans,
especially, have a rabid dislike of the Castro family and would like the U.S. to do something about that. The Colombians and Mexicans, for that matter, couldnt care less about
Castro, communism or even Cuba. Meanwhile, the Puerto Ricans living here have a dual pride - the country of origin is a U.S. commonwealth, so they may feel more "American"